
Meditation refers to many different practices that people can use to develop a calm and focused mind. Anyone can learn to meditate.

Photo of Meditation Photo of Meditation

Is it safe for me?

Meditation is beneficial and safe for anyone.  There are no restrictions.

Plan for it

Practicing can help you use meditation more effectively.

All you need to meditate is a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down. Allow yourself 10 minutes to practice meditation each day. Many people find it helpful to practice relaxed breathing before or during a meditation session.

Practice doing it

Sit in a chair or lie comfortably in a bed with your spine long. Practice different positions until you find one that works for you. The important thing is that you find a place to be comfortably still.

When you are comfortable, close your eyes. If you prefer to keep them open, rest your gaze on a nearby object. Try not to stare. Instead, soften your gaze.

Draw your attention to the places where your body touches the chair or bed. Notice the sensations in your legs and your hands. Let yourself settle into your body and the moment. Remind yourself that you don’t have anywhere to be for the next ten minutes.

Next, pay attention to your breath. Start to breathe slowly and deeply. Focus on the steady rhythm of your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Let your belly relax. Notice how it gently rises and falls each time you breathe. Notice how the air moves through your nostrils. Notice how your chest expands and relaxes as you keep breathing.

You may find that your mind wanders. This is normal. It happens to everyone. When you realize this has happened, gently draw your attention back to your breath.




Meditation for Pain

Meditation is a way of focusing your attention on the present moment to manage thoughts and feelings. Learn how practicing meditation can help with pain management.


Meditation: Mindfulness meditation

This video leads the listener through a gentle meditation session that focuses on the breath, kind attention, and messages of safety. This video may be effective for patients with anxiety. It requires no previous meditation experience.


Meditation: Mindfulness meditation

Guided demonstration of breathing and awareness used for the Ten Breath Practice.


Meditation: Healing after surgery

Need help or have questions?

If you have questions about this resource or any medical condition, always talk to your healthcare professional.