
Music can change your mood, enhance relaxation, focus your attention, reduce anxiety and pain, and promote healing.

Music that promotes relaxation often has a regular, slow-to-moderate rhythm, no very high or low notes, and a melodic sound that is smooth and flowing.

Photo of Music Photo of Music

Is it safe for me?

Music listening is beneficial and safe for anyone.  There are no restrictions.

Plan for it

Consider how you would like to listen to music. For example, through a phone, online sites or apps, CD player, etc. Some of these you may be able to bring with you to the hospital. Think about what music you would like to hear, and have it ready. The TV system in the hospital often has music channels that you can listen to. The hospital may also have a library of music available.

Asking your family, partner, and/or friends to create playlists for you is a wonderful way for them to contribute to your recovery.  Explain that soft music with a slow steady beat is most effective during the first weeks after your surgery.  Be sure to share your music preferences with them.



Music Listening for Pain

Listening to pleasant music has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and reduce pain. Learn how listening to music can help with pain management.


Music: Healing after surgery

Need help or have questions?

If you have questions about this resource or any medical condition, always talk to your healthcare professional.